The Google crusade was probably one of the first ways of searching for citizen online. It is now one of the more coarse ways of locating citizen online. Find out how from the following article.
If you want to know how to crusade for citizen on Google then go through the following paragraphs to learn more about this crusade and how you can go about it. The first thing that you need to know about searching for citizen on this crusade machine is the use of the parentheses. When you crusade a name you should enclose it inside a pair of parentheses to make the crusade very specific for that name only.

If you were searching for Elaine Johnson you would type it in as "Elaine Johnson". If you leave out the quotes then you will get results where the name Elaine or Johnson appears not necessarily both names. This will give you a whole list of results that are quite irrelevant to you. The other way of how to crusade for citizen using Google is to add data that can be searched at the same time as the name.
If for example the person you are searching for is a lecturer at a university. You can type it in as "Elaine Johnson"+ Lecturer or "Elaine Johnson" +University. The crusade will only bring back results where the name appears with the either the word lecturer or University in them. This is one way of narrowing down the results of this search.
The other way of how to crusade for citizen using Google is to exclude data from the search. Usually this happens when you are searching for person with a similar name to a predominant person. An example would be "Wayne Rooney"- soccer. So the results where the name appears with the word soccer will not be displayed. These are just a few ideas that you can try.
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